subota, 23. kolovoza 2008.

"There are many dilemmas in a life."

There are many dilemmas in a life, and at least some should be dissolved or solved. There are many ways of approach. There is no attack worth mentioning made by Buddhism on the notion of Brahman as life and order. Still, in ancient India there was a prolonged controversy between Atman adherents and those who opposed the idea of an inner Self. Within Buddhism too, there were opposing parties in the matter. Pudgalavadin Buddhist, once one third of the Buddhists in India, held the view there was and is a Person, one who "bears the bundle", and so on. Most Buddhists today take the stand there is no God. You do not have to. Note that Buddha launched a concept that is similar to the Self, in other terms: Atman-Brahman: Nirvana (nibbana) is gladness, it is something, not nothing, that it is non-decaying, worth going for in deep meditation. It corresponds to central features of Atman or Self, then. The general belief in an in-dwelling, or pervading soul or spirit or ego - permanent unchanging, unsuffering and so on - need not be dropped. For belief is not needed is to practice the methods and tenets and reap their benefits. Just some provisional faith, or a working hypothesis, that you are willing to try out things to your ability and note changes too. There are perhaps as many fall-traps in that approach as in general research, so learn to tread carefully. But we do not have to believe anything [Kalama Sutta] as we approach life methodically and well so as to benefit and avoid harm. In Buddhism we are generally allowed - by Buddha himself - the benefit of doubting and trying out Buddha's fundamental teachings. In that perspective it does not matter too much what is exactly taught by great-sounding dogmas. They are of inferior value to the freedom of enquiry.] Opposed to this, dogmatists may want to be bosses and lord it over others. It very often shows up after time. That is perhaps the basic issue here.]

Who says there is no God, and where is the evidence?

To someone who said, "There is no God," I once answered, "What if he is sitting in some underground cave on one of the moons of Jupiter. That is theoretically possible - just as there is a possibility of life in more than one place in this wide universe. But how can you dismiss the possible just because you have not "been there" and inspected fairly and well enough?" Those who have not inspected every nook of the universe, including their own core substance, are not really fit to decree of God, after all. If they still do, disregarding such a memento, they show wile stupidity, as a matter of fact. Another interesting side to it is that maybe you have met God or Self without recognising it. "It takes one to know one," is a saying to consider in this. The finest idea is that it helps to be set up in life in great correspondence with the characteristics of God - in that way your fare is attuned to the Divine Ground whether you believe in any extraneous God or not. Stay attuned to the great marks of God from the most reliable sources (the Bible is not), and you should be much better off, by "life assonance", as we may call it. You do not have to believe things or enter a cult to reap benefits. Buddha teaches that too. He says he does not deal in secret teachings, you are entitled to doubt and test out, and work your way on your own. So much stands out very clearly in the ancient Pali writings attributed to him.

nedjelja, 17. kolovoza 2008.

"Samo da sam"

Mali glas bez riječi u pozadini glave govori: “Još nije dovoljno dobro. Treba steći više. Treba učiniti bolje. Treba biti bolje”. To je monstrum, monstrum koji se ispoljava svugdje u finim oblicima. Idi na zabavu. Slušaj smijeh, taj britki glas koji na površini pokazuje zabavu, a ispod toga strah. Osjeti napetost, osjeti pritisak. Nitko ustvari nije opušten. Oni to glume.

Mi se zaplićemo u sindrom “Samo da sam”. Samo da sam imao više novca, onda bi bio sretniji. Samo da mogu pronaći nekoga tko me stvarno voli, samo da mogu izgubiti desetak kilograma, samo da imam televiziju u boji, jakuzi i kovrđavu kosu, i tako dalje i dalje zauvijek.

Suština našeg iskustva je promjena. Promjena je neprekidna. Od trenutka do trenutka život prolazi i nikada nije isti. Neprekidna promjena je suština opažajnog univerzuma. Misao se pojavi u glavi i pola sekunde kasnije nestane. Potom se pojavljuje sljedeća, i ona isto tako nestaje. Zvuk pogađa tvoje uši i potom tišina. Otvori oči i svijet prodire u njih, zažmiri i on je nestao. Ljudi se pojavljuju u tvom životu i potom iz njega nestaju. Prijatelji odlaze, rodbina umire. Tvoja sreća ide gore pa dolje. Ponekad ti dobivaš, ali često gubiš. To je neprekidno: promjena, promjena, promjena. Nikada dva trenutka nisu ista.

Nema veze koliko si naporno težio užitku i uspjehu, postoji vrijeme kada ne uspjevaš. Nema veze koliko brzo bježiš, postoji vrijeme kada te bol sustiže. Između ta dva perioda vremena, život je tako dosadan da bi vrištao. Naši umovi su puni stavova i kriticizma. Izgradili smo oko sebe zidove i zarobljeni smo u zatvoru naših vlastitih laži i odbojnosti. Patimo.

Nema veze koliko si dobio, ti ćeš izgubiti dio toga ili provesti ostatak dana čuvajući ono što si dobio i razmišljati kako ćeš još dobiti. Na kraju ćeš umrijeti. Na kraju gubiš sve. Sve je prolazno.

Ti možeš naučiti da kontroliraš svoj um, da iskočiš iz ovog beskrajnog ciklusa želje i odbojnosti. Možeš naučiti da ne želiš ono što želiš, da prepoznaš želje ali da ne budeš njima kontroliran.

Zaboravi o teorijama, predrasudama i stereotipovima.

Pronaći ćeš da stvari promatraš objektivno, točno onakve kakve one i jesu – protiču i mjenjaju se od trenutka do trenutka. Onda život poprima nevjerovatno bogatstvo koje se ne može opisati. To se treba doživjeti.

Obično ne gledamo u ono što je tu stvarno ispred nas. Mi vidimo život kroz ekran misli i koncepata, i te mentalne objekte pogrešno smatramo stvarnošću. Bivamo uhvaćeni u ovaj bez kraja misaoni tok tako da stvarnost protiče nezapažena. Provodimo naše vrijeme u zaokupljenosti aktivnostima, uhvaćeni u vječnom traganju za zadovoljstvom i užitkom te vječnoj borbi izbjegavanja bola i nezadovoljstva. Sve naše energije trošimo na to da sebe pokušavamo učiniti da se bolje osjećamo, pokušavamo da zakopamo naše strahove. Beskrajno tražimo sigurnost. U međuvremenu, svijet stvarnog iskustva prolazi nedotaknut i neiskušan.

Ironična stvar je da stvaran mir dolazi samo onda kada ga ti prestaneš tražiti. Drugi paradoks. Kada otpustiš svoju želju za ugodnošću, dolazi do stvarnog ispunjenja. Kada odbaciš svoju grozničavu težnju za zadovoljavanjem, onda se ispoljava stvarna ljepota života. Kada tražiš da spoznaš stvarnost bez iluzija, potpunu sa svom njenom boli i opasnosti, onda je stvarna sloboda i sigurnost tvoja.

Svako zlo djelo, svaki primjer bezosjećajnosti u svijetu proizlazi direktno iz ovog lažnog osjećaja “ja” kao odvojenog od svega drugoga što je tamo. Uništi iluziju toga koncepta i tvoj cijeli univerzum se mijenja.

Ono što ti promatraš to odgovara na proces gledanja. Ono što ti promatraš si ti, a što vidiš ovisi o tome kako ti promatraš.

Koncepti i umovanje samo smetaju. Ne misli. Vidi.
Obično ljudsko razmišljanje je puno pohlepe, zavisti ili stida. Čovjek koji vidi drugog čovjeka na ulici može trenutno pomisliti: “On bolje izgleda od mene”. Trenutačan rezultat je zavist ili stid.
Ova vrsta uspoređivanja je mentalna navika, i vodi direktno do loših osjećaja jedne ili druge vrste: pohlepa, zavist, ponos, ljubomora, mržnja. Ovo je neoplemenjeno mentalno stanje, ali to radimo cijelo vrijeme. Mi uspoređujemo naš izgled sa drugima, naš uspjeh, naše sposobnosti, naše bogatstvo, imovinu ili kvotu inteligencije, i sve ovo vodi u isto mjesto-otuđenja, prepreka između ljudi i loših osjećaja.

petak, 15. kolovoza 2008.

Good Sufferings Promote Insights

An initial broad scope may help you. While some sufferings serve insight and changes of heart, many stressful events in a life seem completely unneeded, and may waste the opportunities for growth and progress. Therefore it is fit to guard oneself against great sufferings by such as forestalling, to learn from the errors of others too, and be on your way. you can gain insights anyway. There is no need to get joyless in life. Protect and preserve your happiness very well, says Buddha. And bear in mind that in the art of living to a happy, old age, it helps to maximise benefits and good sides to life, and minimize dangers and harms. Filtering life is the cue. One has to know how to do it, bearing well in mind that bulwarking against sad and dreadful happenings may work better than preventing them at close range, and curing them, if that is possible at all. The sage Lao-tzu says along such a vein that the sage does not solve big problems, for he handled them well when they were small. No matter how well you do your part, stress and suffering, dukkha, may come your way anyway. The word dukkha means more than just "suffering", it is a wide-ranging term that also applies to stresses, pains, ills and unhappiness. It stands to reason to try to prevent illness, such dukkha, to bulwark and be prepared for future sufferings and strains, by preventive, advance measures, and so on. In such way you gain the most from living, and may remain happy and contented longer, if you get old and sensible enough for it. It is not too easy, but there are many ways to lessen sufferings and prevent a lot of them, such as by living up to "Safety first". In the long run precautions serve survival. So you can increase your odds for making a success in life, if you so care. That is the point. [157] Buddha: "By avoiding . . . extremes, the Tathagata [Awakened One] has gained knowledge of the middle path which is vision-making, knowledge-making, which makes for calm, for insight, for enlightenment, for Nibbana."[Samyutta-Nikaya, v. 420 L {178] Speculations as to the afterlife may be dispensed with, as you steadily focus on your real self in the here and now instead. Done in a fit way it may help you. "Why has the Exalted One not declared whether the Tathagata exists after death? Because, brother, this is a matter that does not make for things needful to salvation, nor for that which concerns the holy life, nor for calm, nor for insight, nor for enlightenment, nor for Nibbana." "What then has the Exalted One declared?" "The path leading to the cessation of Dukkha! [Samyutta-Nikaya, ii. 223, and many similar passages]{179] It is good to keep that in mind, and put that spin on basic terms of Buddhism as well. Nibbana, for example, is is "no place" [Milinda, ii. 182] {232], rather a state of mind excellence. If we make do with focusing on its most glorious aspects here, Nibbana is made a synonym for the acquisition or realization of Truth and mindful Gladness. Buddha likens it to a border town too, thereby illustrating that the roads to truth and insight are not one but many, "having walls and towns and gates, with a wise and prudent gatekeeper keeping out strangers, welcoming friends. . . . Now have I made you a parable . . . and this is the meaning. The town is this body; the gates are the senses, the gate-keeper is conscience; the messengers are calm and insight; the lord is mind; the message of truth is Nibbana. [Samyutla-Nikaya, iv. 195] "This is the supreme Ariyan insight, even knowledge how to destroy all Dukkha. Liberty, founded on truth, is firm and sure. That which is genuine is true, even Nibbana . . . That which is genuine, is even Nibbana." [Majjhima-Nikaya, iii, 245] There is nothing joyless or hopeless about death and after, for all sincerely good Buddhists. [182] This said, there is no uniformity in either the way of their attainment, or in the specific shape which the goal, end, or ideal assumes in different forms of Buddhism. We have to take that into account too. #183] And note that the end of sensible Buddhist training includes deep mental emancipation and seeing things as they truly are. Then there is the emancipation of the heart or mind through love. Similarly there is emancipation of heart through both love and attainable sublime moods. [224, 229] There were many modifications or elaborations of basic Buddhism in antiquity already. Some are permissible, tells Buddha [cf. Vilama Sutta]. Not every aspect of it from ancient times suit the modern fare very well.

The Pali Tradition

There is an awakening to Buddhism in the West, and we need the written letter of the most valuable, handy teachings which in former days were handed down by word of mouth for many centuries. [cf. 20] Not a few Buddhist writings have been found in Buddhist centres North and North-East of India, but more works still come from Pali books preserved in Sri Lanka, Thailand and Burma. These oldest books, together with several of a somewhat later date are entitled the Three Baskets of Tradition, the Tripitakas. Pali books, handwritten on palm-leaves, have been preserved, freshly copied, commented on, and otherwise elaborated in other palm-leaf manuscripts. The vast collection is believed to contain genuine sayings of Buddha. [11, 12] Also, from the 300s AD China began to incline to the teaching of Buddhism, and from then till the 600s we read of scholars and pilgrims going or returning to China laden with Buddhist literature. However, the body of Buddhism is just as complex and many-sided as "Christism". [22-23, 26] Further, besides the Three Baskets, the Tripitakas, the Pali literature also contains a great body of exegetical commentary. The Pali Text Society, founded by Professor Rhys Davids in 1881, has published seventy volumes of texts and translations. The Sacred Books of the East, founded by the late Max Müller, has published several translations. The Sacred Books of the Buddhists series, the Harvard Oriental Series, the German Pali-Society are publishing more. [13-14] That wider acquaintance with literature will profit us little unless we approach Buddhism in its many variants intelligently and master its core elements. Each of us should be alerted to the choices of general orientations available in Buddhism, apart from its common core elements. [cf. 15] It is largely permitted in Buddhism that elements of native culture are reflected in it. Already in its first pristine forms Buddhism had much in common with other Indian traditions, most of all yoga. Buddha was trained in and teaches yoga ways. As "we advance in Central Asiatic research," wrote Professor Pischel, "the clearer it appears that, for a great portion of the Orient, Buddhism was not less a vehicle of culture than Christianity has been for the Occident. . . . I am convinced that Buddha as a philosopher is entirely dependent on Kapila and Patanjali." The works in question are the Sankhya Aphorisms and the Yogasutras, also a collection of aphorisms. In Vajrayana (Mahayana) the secrets of Tibetan Buddhism have become less inaccessible. There are many yoga methods to embrace, in other words, apart from what is taught in Southern Buddhism. [30, 14] As for the cultural impact of Buddhism, temporarily Indian thought and culture is heavily influenced and modified by it. And the influence of Buddhist religion and philosophy on the post-Buddhistic Indian literature is well marked. [28] Yet, after the 1200s or so, little genuine Buddhism survived in what once was its homeland. [25]

ponedjeljak, 11. kolovoza 2008.

A. de Mello - Svjesnost

Svi se slažu u jednoj stvari: da je sve u redu, sve je u redu. Iako je svuda nered, sve je u redu.

Nikada nam ne padne na pamet da stvari ne treba popravljati. Zaista ne treba. To je veliko prosvjetljenje. Stvari treba shvatiti. Stvari su onakve kakve jesu, ja sam onakav kakav jesam.

Patnja postoji u “pripadajućem”, i zato kada "ja" poistovjećujete s “pripadajućem”, počinje patnja.
Sva patnja nastaje kada se čovjek poistovjeti s nečim u njemu ili izvan njega.
Svaki puta kada imate negativna čuvstva prema nekome, živite u svijetu opsjena. S vama nešto ozbiljno nije u redu.

Kada započnete djelovanje, vrlo je važna sposobnost gledanja stvari s odstojanjem, a negativna čuvstva to sprečavaju.
Tuga je znak da sam svoju sreću barem u nekoj mjeri učinio ovisnom o stvarima i ljudima.
Ali što to znači da o drugima ovisimo psihološki i čuvstveno? To znači da moja sreća ovisi o drugim ljudima.

Nikoga se ne bojite zato što ste savršeno zadovoljni time što ste "nitko". Uopće vas nije briga za uspjeh ili neuspjeh. To vam ništa ne znači. Čast, sramota, ne znače vam ništa! Također vam ništa ne znači ako napravite budalu od sebe.

Postoji samo jedan razlog zbog kojeg ne osjećate blaženstvo ovoga trenutka, a to je da mislite i usredotočujete se na ono što nemate.

Sjetite se kada ste zadnji put bili ljuti, i potražite strah koji je bio iza toga. Što ste se bojali izgubiti? Što ste se bojali da će vam se oduzeti? Otuda dolazi strah.

Promatrajte sve u sebi i oko sebe, i kada vam se nešto događa, gledajte na to kao da se događa nekome drugome, bez komentara, bez suđenja, bez stava, bez miješanja, nemojte pokušavati promijeniti to, pokušajte samo razumjeti.

Svi su oni bolesni. Poremećeni su i ludi. Postanete ravnatelj ludnice i ponosni ste na to iako to ništa ne znači. Biti predsjednik neke korporacije nema nikakve veze s uspjehom u životu. Imati puno novaca nema nikakve veze s uspjehom u životu.
Podvrgnuti su kontroli i toliko su izmanipulirani. To su nesretni i jadni ljudi. Ne uživaju u životu. Stalno su napeti i tjeskobni. Nazivate li to čovječnim?

Jeste vi vaš poziv? Prestanite se poistovjećivati s time. Te stvari dolaze i odlaze.

Niti jedan događaj ne može opravdati negativne osjećaje.
Kako promijeniti stvari? Kako promijeniti sebe?
Vidimo ljude i stvari ne onakvima kakvi su, nego onakvima kakvi smo mi.

Ponovite ovaj program tisuću puta:
a) prepoznajte negativne osjećaje u sebi;
b) shvatite da su ti osjećaji u vama, a ne u svijetu;
c) nemojte na njih gledati kao na nešto što je sastavni dio “ja” - te stvari dolaze i odlaze;
d) shvatite da, kada se vi promijenite, sve će se promijeniti.

Shvatite sada još jednu stvar: postavljate zahtjev, očekujete nešto od te osobe. Možete li si to posvjestiti? Recite onda toj osobi: “Nemam nikakvog prava da ti postavljam bilo kakve zahtjeve.”

“Oni koji znaju, ne govore. Oni koji govore, ne znaju.”

To nije moja ljutnja.
“Razljutio si se. Šteta. Nemam više nimalo volje da te spašavam, i ne želim se osjećati krivim.” Neću se mrziti ni zbog čega što sam učinio. U tome se sastoji osjećaj krivnje. Ne želim u sebi stvarati negativne osjećaje i neću se bičevati ni zbog čega što sam učinio, bilo to nešto dobro ili nešto loše.

Ako ste napeti, jednostavno promatrajte svoju napetost.
“Želim biti svjestan, želim biti u dodiru sa svime što se događa i dopustiti da se dogodi ono što se događa.

Uvijek se osuđujemo i pobuđujemo u sebi osjećaj krivnje.

nedjelja, 10. kolovoza 2008.

Buddhism helps people to obtain the correct perspective on life

We human beings are very funny: when something bad happens in our lives we say, "Why me? Why is this happening to me?" But when we wake up every morning and are alive and healthy and our family is well, we never say, "Why me? Why am I so fortunate?"

Dharma practice isn't just coming to the temple; it's not simply reading a Buddhist scripture or chanting the Buddha's name. Practice is how we live our lives, how we live with our family, how we work together with our colleagues, how we relate to the other people in the country and on the planet.

Parents and teachers put a lot of time and money into teaching children science, arithmetic, literature, geography, geology, and computers. But do we ever spend any time teaching them how to be kind? Do we have any courses in kindness? Do we teach kids how to work with their own negative emotions and how to resolve conflicts with others? I think this is much more important than the academic subjects. Why? Children may know a lot, but if they grow up to be unkind, resentful, or greedy adults, their lives will not be happy.

Taking care of the environment that we share with other living beings is part of the practice of loving kindness.

The Buddha did not comment directly on many things in our modern society -- such as recycling -- because those things didn't exist at his time. But he talked about principles that we can apply to our present situations. These principles can guide us in deciding how to act in many new situations that didn't exist 2,500 years ago.

I often joke that in America the Three Jewels of Refuge are the TV, the shopping center, and the refrigerator! That's where we turn when we need help!

1. Buddhism helps people to obtain the correct perspective on life
Buddhism thoroughly analyzes the question of the universe and life, with the objective that man will obtain the correct understanding of life.
There are two common views of life, pessimistic and optimistic. An extreme pessimist views life to be short and empty, and living is waiting for death. Consequently, a pessimist remains sad and depressed all the time. An extreme optimist carries the attitude of "enjoy while you can". He uses ecstasy and passion to fill the desires of his senses and heart, he does not really care about the meaning of life and the objective of living. He does not know and he does not care.
Buddhism's perspective on life, from the strict sense, is not pessimistic nor optimistic. It is termed the "Middle way". What is the "Middle way"? It means not to constantly whine and complain about life, nor to waste away life by living in a constant state of daze. The "Middle way" recommends the use of the vision of wisdom to remove life's fears, anguishes and misunderstanding, to recognize the truth about life and to control one's destiny.
Fame and fortune are temporary. We didn't bring them with us when we came to this world, and we cannot take them with us when we leave. Buddhism cautions man not to be too obsessed with desires and greed. It advises us to be compassionate, charitable and kind. We must not be handcuffed by the desire for fame and fortune. Wealth cannot provide us with spiritual fulfilment. Only by having good conduct and pure minds, can we achieve peace, contentment and true happiness in life.
2. Buddhism encourages man to lead life with endeavour
Buddhism is totally against the belief that life is controlled by destiny or by a supreme being. It teaches that every person is responsible for his own deeds and future. Every man must work hard with determination. To have a good tomorrow, we must sacrifice our excessive pleasures today, by great endeavour and efforts. Only hard work and good deeds now will bring about a good future.
3. Buddhism can purify the society
We are always saddened to learn about the abundance of crimes in our society which occur on a daily basis - murder, theft, robbery, rape etc. It makes us lose faith and hope in mankind. A Buddhist must observe the following five precepts:
(i) not to kill;
(ii) not to steal;
(iii) not to commit adultery;
(iv) not to engage in improper talks;
(v) not to take intoxicants.
Observing the above five precepts is the foundation of leading a good life. Committing any of the precepts is against morals and the law of society.
If all of mankind were to observe the five precepts, there would be no crime in society, no broken marriages and families, and no mistakes made when one is drunk or on drugs; Wouldn't this be a peaceful and happy society. That is why Buddhism contributes towards purifying the human mind and behaviour in society.
4. Buddhism can help develop self-respect, self-confidence and independent character
Buddhism believes that every person is his own master. We are not anyone's slave, we do not have to rely on Buddha or God. Buddha was a man before he became enlightened. With good behaviour and endeavour, and following the teachings of the Buddha, we may one day become Buddhas. This belief can certainly boost our self-confidence and self-respect.
In other religions, man is created by God, and no matter how hard a man tries, he cannot save himself. He still must have God's help to achieve eternal life. In addition, man is always subordinate to God. God is the lord, and man is his servant. Such thinking can be quite discouraging.
Buddhism teaches that every man has the basic ingredient to become Buddha. Our success and failure is up to ourselves. Any man who practices Buddhism can become Buddha one day. This is because of his own endeavour, not because of the grace or help from Buddha.
Other religions attribute man's success to God, because man's wisdom was given by God. Therefore God is praised for man's success. Buddhism does not agree with this. It believes that man's success is the result of his own endeavour. The glory belongs to man himself. If man fails, he has to work harder to achieve his goals.
Such thinking of Buddhism frees man from God's bondage. It gives man the freedom from God's all mighty power. It reminds him that he is responsible for his own deeds, and is responsible for his own future with no one else responsible. Since man is not created by God and is not his servant, he has the right to decide his own fate and future. Since man is not controlled by God, he can have his independent character, and self-respect, and self-confidence.
5. Buddhism can help man to achieve true happiness
When a Buddhist studies and understands the principles of Buddhism, and practises according to the principles, therefore leading a life free of sufferings, he can achieve true happiness.
First, what is happiness? The following five points will explain when a person has found true happiness and how Buddhism can help man to achieve true happiness.
(i) He is always at peace, and does not have worries. Buddhism advises man to be content, practise meditation, and to avoid extremes. Subsequently, he will have a peaceful mind, and have no worries.
(ii) For the difficulties and problems he is facing, he accepts and copes with them with a positive attitude, not blaming anyone or anything. Buddhism teaches that whatever misfortune a person is facing is caused by his own deeds in this life or in past lives. He must therefore face the problems bravely and patiently. Man must be prepared to face the consequences of his own deeds. he must not blame other people or things.
(iii) He is able to obtain satisfactory answers for his questions about the universe and life. All the teachings of Buddhism do not praise or glorify the power of the Buddha. They explain the basic questions of the universe and life thoroughly, to allow man to obtain satisfactory answers. and, the teachings are compatible with science.
(iv) He has found a satisfactory answer about the future, specifically, life after leaving this world. Buddhist teachings explain that all things occur because of "Cause" and "Conditions". Mortal human being can practice Buddhism to achieve enlightenment therefore breaking away from life sufferings to enjoy eternal happiness.
(v) His future, destiny, and success are not controlled by someone else. Buddhism teaches that all beings are equal. There are no beings above us to control our life and death, our successes and failures, our blessings or misfortunes, we are our own masters, our own lords. As long as we make our best endeavour, we will have a bright tomorrow, and will achieve true happiness.
The teachings of Sakyamuni are as applicable today as they were in the past. Buddhism is not exclusively for the benefits of one race, nor for any particular historical period, nor for any geographic location. Nor is it a fantastic or strange thing to talk about. It is for all, at any time in any place, for any person.As a matter of fact, the Buddha's teachings are most rational, real, pertaining to our daily life, and are as new as tomorrow! Although the Buddha talked in a simple way, yet what he taught is essential, fundamental and applicable to our present materialistic world.

četvrtak, 7. kolovoza 2008.

Umijeće Življenja: Vipasana Meditacija

Svi želimo mir i harmoniju jer nam nedostaju u životu. Svi povremeno osjećamo uzbuđenje, uznemirenost, disharmoniju i patnju; a kada netko pati, on taj jad ne zadržava u sebi već ga širi na druge ljude oko sebe, i svatko tko dođe u kontakt sa takvom osobom postaje i sam uznemiren. Ovo svakako ne predstavlja kvalitetan način življenja. Čovjek bi trebalo da živi u miru sa sobom i sa drugima. Ljudsko biće je, uostalom, društveno biće koje živi u zajednici u kojoj stvara odnose. Kako onda živjeti u miru? Kako stvoriti harmoniju u sebi i održavati je tako da i drugi mogu da žive mirno i skladno? Ljudi su uznemireni a da toga često nisu ni svijesni. Da bi u sebi eliminirali takvo stanje moramo sagledati uzrok svoje uznemirenosti, razlog svoje patnje. Kada taj problem i proučimo, postaje jasno da nas negativnosti i nečistoća uma neizbježno vode u stanje uznemirenosti. Takvo mentalno zagađenje ili nečistoća ne može postojati istovremeno sa mirom i harmonijom. Kako stvaramo negativnost? Daljim proučavanjem postaje nam jasno da smo nesretni kada se ljudi ponašaju na način koji nam ne odgovara ili kada se dešava nešto što nam se ne sviđa. Usljed neželjenih događaja mi u sebi stvaramo napetost, isto kao i kada iskrsnu prepreke na putu ostvarenja željenih događaja. Tako kroz cijeli život, neželjene stvari se događaju, željene stvari se ne događaju, a svo vrijeme reagiramo napetošću i u sebi vezujemo čvorove koji čine cjelokupnu mentalnu i fizičku strukturu toliko uznemirenom, toliko punom negativnosti, da se život pretvara u patnju. U takvoj situaciji, jedan od načina da se problem riješi je da se život udesi tako da se ništa nepoželjno ne dešava i da se sve odvija prema našim očekivanjima. "Moram razviti takvu moć, ili neko drugi mora posjedovati takvu moć i mora mi pomagati svaki put kada to od njega tražim, da se ništa neželjeno ne dešava a da se sve želje ostvare." Ali to nije moguće. Ne postoji ni jedan čovjek na svijetu čija je svaka želja ispunjena, u čijem se životu sve odvija prema njegovim željama a da se pri tom ništa nepoželjno ne dogodi. Stvari se događaju nasuprot našim željama i očekivanjima. Otuda se javlja pitanje, kako da izbjegnem slijepo reagiranje u trenutku suočavanja sa stvarima koje mi se ne sviđaju? Kako da ostanem miran i uravnotežen? U indiji, kao i u drugim zemljama mudri, sveti ljudi su proučavali ovaj problem – problem ljudske patnje – pronašli su rešenje: Kada se dešava nešto nepoželjno i počnemo da reagiramo stvarajući ljutnju, strah, ili bilo koju drugu negativnost uma, treba što prije skrenuti pažnju na nešto drugo. Na primer, ako ustanemo, uzmemo čašu vode i počnemo da pijemo, naša ljutnja će prestati da raste i prije ili kasnije će nestati. Možemo isto tako početi da brojimo: Jedan, dva, tri, četiri. Ili da ponavljamo u sebi neku riječ, rečenicu, ili nekakvu mantru, možda ime nekog božanstva ili sveca u kojeg vjerujemo; tako skrećemo pažnju na nešto drugo i u većoj ili manjoj mjeri udaljavamo se od negativnosti, od ljutnje. Ovo rješenje je bilo korisno, pomagalo je. Ono je još uvijek primjenljivo. Kada ga primjenimo, naš um se oslobađa uznemirenosti. Međutim, ovo rješenje funkcionira samo na svijesnom nivou. Njegovom primjenom, skretanjem pažnje, mi negativnost guramo u domen podsvjesnog gdje se proces umnožavanja nečistoća nastavlja kao i do tada. Na površini smo stvorili sloj mira i harmonije, ali u dubini našeg uma tako stvoreni vulkan potisnute negativnosti će prije ili kasnije izbiti na površinu uz razornu erupciju. Drugi istraživači unutrašnje istine otišli su još dalje u svom traganju. Doživjevši realnost uma i materije u sebi uvidjeli su da je skretanje pažnje samo bježanje od problema. To na žalost nije rješenje; da bi rješili problem moramo se suočiti sa njim. Kada se negativnost javi u umu, promatrajte, suočite se sa njom. Čim počnemo da promatramo, negativnost gubi svoju snagu, polako se povlači, i poslije nekog vremena nestaje. Ovo je dobro rješenje: Ono izbjegava oba ekstrema – potiskivanje i prepuštanje stihiji. Potiskivanjem nikada ne rješavamo problem, a dozvoliti negativnosti da se manifestira u rječima ili djelu samo stvara nove probleme. Međutim kada je promatramo, nečistoća bljedi i nestaje. Tada smo u potpunosti iskorijenili tu negativnost, tada smo se oslobodili te nečistoće. To zvuči predivno, ali da li je zaista moguće da se prosječna osoba tako suoči sa negativnošću? Kada se javi ljutnja, ona nas obično preplavi tako brzo da mi to ni ne osjetimo. Tada, obuzeti ljutnjom, naše riječi ili djela uzrokuju samo što je štetno za nas i za druge. Kada ljutnja prođe kajemo se i tražimo oproštaj. Međutim kada se ponovo nađemo u sličnoj situaciji, mi reagiramo na isti način! Svo to kajanje ne pomaže nam ni najmanje. Problem je u tome što nismo svjesni početka nečistoće. Ona kreće iz dubine podsvjesnog, i dok dođe do svjesnog nivoa uma toliko ojača da nas nadvlada i ne možemo je promatrati. Moguće rješenje je imati osobnog pomoćnika koji bi nas upozorio svaki put kada ljutnja počne: "Gospodaru pazite, počinje ljutnja!" Pošto ne znamo kada će ljutnja početi trebaju nam tri takva pomoćnika, po jedan za svaku smjenu! Dobro. Pretpostavimo da to možemo i da priuštimo. Šta se dešava kada ljutnja počne? Pomoćnik nas upozorava: "O, gospodaru, pogledajte – javila se ljutnja!" Prva stvar koju ćemo da učinimo je da ga lupimo i izgrdimo: "Budalo! Misliš da si plaćen da mi držiš pridiku?" Toliko smo obuzeti ljutnjom da nam dobar savjet uopće ne može pomoći. Čak i da pretpostavimo da mudrost prevlada i da ga ne ošamarimo. Da umjesto toga kažemo, "Baš ti hvala. Sada moram da promatram ljutnju." Da li je takvo promatranje moguće? Čim zatvorimo oči i pokušamo da promatramo ljutnju, razlog ljutnje, ta osoba ili događaj, se vrati u svijest. Mi automatski više ne promatramo ljutnju već promatramo vanjski uzrok ovog osjećanja, i tako samo pojačavamo bjes umjesto da ga se oslobađamo. Na žalost, vrlo je teško promatrati osjećanje bez uplitanja vanjskog objekta tj. razloga koji ga je izazvao.Međutim, onaj koji je dostigao konačnu istinu pronašao je i konačno rješenje. Otkrio je da pojava nečistoće u umu istovremeno izaziva dvije stvari na fizičkom nivou: Jedna je promjena prirodnog ritma disanja; udah i izdah postanu naglašeniji, kao pri naporu. Druga, suptilnija, promjena je pojava neke tjelesne senzacije usled biokemijske reakcije. Svaka nečistoća uma stvara tjelesnu senzaciju negdje u tjelu.U tome je pronađeno praktično rješenje: Pošto je čoveku vrlo teško da promatra apstraktne nečistoće uma kao što su ljutnja, strah, ili strast, uz prikladnu obuku i praksu on može da ih promatra indirektno promatrajući dah i tjelesne senzacije.Disanje i osjećaj pomažu na dva načina. Prvo, oni se ponašaju kao naši osobni pomoćnici. Čim se u umu javi nečistoća, dah se mijenja i govori nam: "Pazi, nešto nije u redu!" Na sličan način osjećaj u tjelu nas upućuje na problem. Tada počinjemo da promatramo dah i tjelesne senzacije, i pritom otkrivamo da nečistoća izuzetno brzo nestaje.Ovaj mentalno-fizički fenomen možemo da usporedimo sa novčićem: Na jednoj strani su misli i emocije koje se javljaju u umu, a na drugoj su disanje i tjelesne senzacije. Svaka misao ili emocija utječe na disanje i senzacije u tjelu u tom trenutku. Kao strane novčića, ove manifestacije su ne odvojive. Zato, promatrajući disanje ili tjelesne senzacije, mi zapravo promatramo mentalne nečistoće i suočavamo se sa našom stvarnošću onakvom kakva je. Kroz upornost ustanovićemo da nečistoća gubi na snazi i više ne može da nas savlada kao prije, i da prije ili kasnije u potpunosti nestaje, ostavljajući nas smirene i zadovoljne.Na ovaj način učimo da se promatramo iznutra a ne samo izvana. Iz neznanja, mi cijeli život provedemo promatrajući očima a cjelokupna istina unutar nas ostaje neotkrivena. Po navici, mi tražimo uzrok osobnog nezadovoljstva izvana i pokušavamo da mijenjamo stvari oko nas. Pošto nismo svjesni događaja unutra, mi ne vidimo uzrok naše patnje, da se on zapravo krije iza nesvjesnih reakcija na prijatne i neprijatne tjelesne senzacije.Zahvaljujući treningu postajemo svjesni druge strane novčića; postajemo svjesni svog disanja i događaja unutar nas. Naučimo da promatramo i disanje i telesne senzacije tako da ne remetimo prirodan sklad uma. Samim time, mi prestajemo da reagitamo. Umjesto da uvećavamo svoju patnju, mi dozvoljavamo nečistoći da se manifestira i prođe bez lošeg uticaja na nas.Što više prakticiramo ovu tehniku, to se prije oslobađamo loših navika uma, koji postepeno postaje sve čistiji i čistiji. Um oslobođen negativnosti je uvijek pun ljubavi, nesebične ljubavi za druge; pun suosjećanja za neuspjehe i patnju drugih; pun radosti zbog njihovog uspjeha i sreće. Potpuno uravnotežen u svakoj situaciji.Kada dostignemo ovaj nivo naš život je korjenito promijenjen. Više se ne dešava da naše riječi ili djela uznemiravaju druge ljude. Umjesto toga, naš smiren um pomaže drugima da pronađu mir. Cjelokupna atmosfera oko takvih osoba je prožeta mirom i harmonijom i pozitivno utječe na ljude iz okruženja.Kada smo u stanju da očuvamo smirenost bez obzira na ono što se dešava unutra, postaje nam sve lakše da ne reagiramo na stvari koje nam se dešavaju izvana. Međutim, važno je da shvatimo da ova vrsta nereagiranja ne podrazumijeva ignoriranje ovozemaljskih problema. Osoba koja prakticira Vipasanu zapravo postane osjetljivaja na patnju drugih i čini sve što može da im pomogne - ne kroz nova uznemiravanja - već uz pomoć uma preplavljenog ljubavlju, suosjećanjem, i smirenošću. Takva osoba je zaista naučila vještinu plemenitosti jer je naučila da očuva svoj mir i da tako, ne uznemiravajući druge, njima pomaže i radi u njihovu korist.To je suština onoga što je buda Gotama podučavao: Umjeće Življenja. On nije osnivao religiju niti podučavao ljude bilo kakvoj dogmi ili filozofiji, nikada nije nalagao svojim sljedbenicima da vrše obrede i rituale. Jedino ih je podučavao da objektivno promatraju prirodu kroz promatranje događaja u njima samima. Mi iz neznanja stalno reagiramo na način vrlo štetan za nas i za druge. Ali kada naučimo da promatramo istinu unutar nas, oslobađamo se navike reagiranja i istinska mudrost zaživi u nama. Mi više ne reagiramo na slijepo, naše ponašanje je odluka uma koji vidi i razumijee istinu, uma koji je miran i uravnotežen. A svaki takav postupak je uvjek pozitivan, stvaralački, i u korist nama i drugima.Neophodno je, dakle, spoznati sebe – savjet koji mudri ljudi ponavljaju od davnina. Međutim, spoznati sebe čovjek ne može u potpunosti da učini samo na intelektualno nivou. Samospoznaja nije ideja ili teorija. Osim toga, slijepa posvećenost ili vjera, tj. prihvaćanje nečega zdravo za gotovo, također ne vodi samospoznaji. Umesto toga, potrebno je da spoznamo realnost u korjenu: Moramo da doživimo direktno iskustvo ovog mentalno-fizičkog fenomena koje nazivamo ja. To je jedini način da se oslobodimo nečistoća, da se oslobodimo patnje.To neposredno iskustvo osobne realnosti, ta tehnika samopromatranja, je Vipasana meditacija. Passana je Pali riječ (jezik Indije iz Budinog doba) koja znači "gledati otvorenih očiju" u svakodnevnom smislu te riječi. Za razliku od toga, Vipassana znači promatranje stvari onakvim kakve zaista jesu a ne samo kako izgledaju da jesu. Moramo prodrijeti kroz prividnu istinu, i nastaviti da prodiremo sve dok ne spoznamo cjelokupnu realnost naše mentalno-fizičke strukture. Jednom kada se ta istina spozna, čovjek prestaje da reagira slijepo - prestaje da stvara nečistoće uma – i stare nečistoće počnu da se iskorjenjuju. Tako se oslobađamo patnje i počinjemo da živimo umijeće življenja.Postoje tri nivoa u tom uvježbavanju. Prvo, moramo odustati od bilo kakve radnje, fizičke ili vokalne, koja remeti mir i harmoniju drugih. Ne možemo raditi na oslobađanju od nečistoća u svom umu, a u isto vrijeme nastaviti sa djelima, tjela i govora, koja samo umnožavaju te nečistoće. Zato je moralni kod suštinski, prvi stupanj ove prakse. Odustajemo od ubijanja, krađe, zloupotrebe seksa, laganja i bilo kog oblika trovanja, zagađvanja. Odustajanjem od ovakvih akcija, dozvoljavamo umu da se dovoljno smiri, tako da možemo nastaviti sa započetim zadatkom.Sljedeći korak je razvijanje sposobnosti ovladavanja ovim divljim umom, vježbajući ga da ostane fiksiran za jedan jedini objekat, za dah. Pokušavamo našu pažnju da, što je moguće duže, zadržimo na disanju. To nije vježba disanja. Mi ne reguliramo svoj dah. Umjesto toga promatramo prirodno disanje, onakvo kakvo ono je, kako dah ulazi, kako dah izlazi. Na taj način dalje smirujemo um, tako da on više nije preplavljen divljim negativnostima. U isto vrijeme, koncentriramo um, čineći ga oštrim i prodornim, sposobnim za rad na uvidu.Ova dva koraka, vođenje moralnog života i ovladavanje umom, veoma su potrebna i korisna, sami za sebe. Ali oni će voditi do samopotiskivanja, ukoliko ne poduzmemo treći korak, pročišćavanje uma od nečistoća, razvijanjem uvida u svoju vlastitu prirodu. To je, ustvari, Vipassana: doživljaj osobne stvarnosti, sistematskim i nepristrasnim promatranjem stalno promjenljivih osjećaja u nama. To je vrhunac Buddhinog učenja: samopročišćavanje kroz samopromatranje.I to mogu upražnjavati svi. Bolest nije sektaška, zato i lijek ne može biti sektaški, mora biti univerzalan. Svako se suočava sa problemom patnje. Kada neko pati zbog ljutnje, to nije budistička ljutnja, hindu ljutnja ili kršćanska ljutnja: ljutnja je ljutnja. I kada zbog ljutnje neko postane uznemiren, onda to nije kršćanska uznemirenost, ili hindu, ili budistička. Zato, za tu univerzalnu bolest mora postojati univerzalni lijek.Vipassana meditacija je takav lijek. Nitko neće i ne može stavljati primjedbe na način života koji poštuje mir i harmoniju drugih. Nitko neće i ne može stavljati primedbe na razvijanje sposobnosti ovladavanja umom. Nitko neće i ne može stavljati primedbe na razvijanje uvida u našu osobnu stvarnost, sa kojim je moguće osloboditi um od negativnosti. To je univerzalni put.Promatranje stvarnosti onakve kakva ona je, promatranjem istine iznutra - to je spoznavanje sebe na aktualnom, eksperimentalnom nivou. I dok to upražnjavamo, oslobađamo se svih jada i nečistoća. Od grube, vanjske, očigledne istine, prodiremo do krajnje istine uma i materije. Onda to transcendiramo, doživljavajući istinu koja je van domašaja uma i materije, izvan vremena i prostora, izvan uslovljene oblasti stvarnosti: istina potpune slobode od svih nečistoća, svih negativnosti, cjelokupne patnje. Nije važno ime koje ćemo dati toj krajnjoj istini. Ona treba da bude krajnji cilj svakog ljudskog bića.Neka svi doživite tu krajnju istinu. Neka se svi ljudi na svijetu, koji pate od negativnosti, prljavštine i nečistoća, oslobode svojih nečistoća, oslobode svoga jada. Neka osjete i uživaju pravu sreću, pravi mir i pravu harmoniju.Ovaj tekst je zasnovan na govoru S. N. Goenke u Bernu, Švicarskoj.

srijeda, 6. kolovoza 2008.

The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation

Everyone seeks peace and harmony, because this is what we lack in our lives. From time to time we all experience agitation, irritation, dishar­mony. And when we suffer from these miseries, we don't keep them to ourselves; we often distribute them to others as well. Unhappiness permeates the atmosphere around someone who is miserable, and those who come in contact with such a person also become affected. Certainly this is not a skillful way to live.
We ought to live at peace with ourselves, and at peace with others. After all, human beings are social beings, having to live in society and deal with each other. But how are we to live peacefully? How are we to remain harmonious within, and maintain peace and harmony around us, so that others can also live peacefully and harmoniously?
In order to be relieved of our misery, we have to know the basic reason for it, the cause of the suffering. If we investigate the problem, it becomes clear that whenever we start generating any negativity or impurity in the mind, we are bound to become unhappy. A negativity in the mind, a mental defilement or impurity, cannot coexist with peace and harmony.
How do we start generating negativity? Again, by investigation, it becomes clear. We become unhappy when we find someone behaving in a way that we don't like, or when we find something happening which we don't like. Unwanted things happen and we create tension within. Wanted things do not happen, some obstacle comes in the way, and again we create tension within; we start tying knots within. And throughout life, unwanted things keep on happening, wanted things may or may not happen, and this process of reaction, of tying knots—Gordian knots—makes the entire mental and physical structure so tense, so full of negativity, that life becomes miserable.
Now, one way to solve this problem is to arrange that nothing unwanted happens in life, that everything keeps on happening exactly as we desire. Either we must develop the power, or somebody else who will come to our aid must have the power, to see that unwanted things do not happen and that everything we want happens. But this is impossible. There is no one in the world whose desires are always fulfilled, in whose life everything happens according to his or her wishes, without anything unwanted happening. Things constantly occur that are contrary to our desires and wishes. So the question arises: how can we stop reacting blindly when confronted with things that we don't like? How can we stop creating tension and remain peaceful and harmonious?
In India, as well as in other countries, wise saintly persons of the past studied this problem—the problem of human suffering—and found a solution: if something unwanted happens and you start to react by generating anger, fear or any negativity, then, as soon as possible, you should divert your attention to something else. For example, get up, take a glass of water, start drinking—your anger won't multiply; on the other hand, it'll begin to subside. Or start counting: one, two, three, four. Or start repeating a word, or a phrase, or some mantra, perhaps the name of a god or saintly person towards whom you have devotion; the mind is diverted, and to some extent you'll be free of the negativity, free of the anger.
This solution was helpful; it worked. It still works. Responding like this, the mind feels free from agitation. However, the solution works only at the conscious level. In fact, by diverting the attention you push the negativity deep into the unconscious, and there you continue to generate and multiply the same defilement. On the surface there is a layer of peace and harmony, but in the depths of the mind there is a sleeping volcano of suppressed negativity which sooner or later may erupt in a violent explosion.
Other explorers of inner truth went still further in their search and, by experiencing the reality of mind and matter within themselves, recognized that diverting the attention is only running away from the problem. Escape is no solution; you have to face the problem. Whenever negativity arises in the mind, just observe it, face it. As soon as you start to observe a mental impurity, it begins to lose its strength and slowly withers away.
A good solution; it avoids both extremes—suppression and expression. Burying the negativity in the unconscious will not eradicate it, and allowing it to manifest as unwholesome physical or vocal actions will only create more problems. But if you just observe, then the defilement passes away and you are free of it.
This sounds wonderful, but is it really practical? It's not easy to face one's own impurities. When anger arises, it so quickly overwhelms us that we don't even notice. Then, overpowered by anger, we perform physical or vocal actions which harm ourselves and others. Later, when the anger has passed, we start crying and repenting, begging pardon from this or that person or from God: “Oh, I made a mistake, please excuse me!” But the next time we are in a similar situation, we again react in the same way. This continual repenting doesn't help at all.
The difficulty is that we are not aware when negativity starts. It begins deep in the unconscious mind, and by the time it reaches the conscious level it has gained so much strength that it overwhelms us, and we cannot observe it.
Suppose that I employ a private secretary, so that whenever anger arises he says to me, “Look, anger is starting!” Since I cannot know when this anger will start, I'll need to hire three private secretaries for three shifts, around the clock! Let's say I can afford it, and anger begins to arise. At once my secretary tells me, “Oh look—anger has started!” The first thing I'll do is rebuke him: “You fool! You think you're paid to teach me?” I'm so overpowered by anger that good advice won't help.
Suppose wisdom does prevail and I don't scold him. Instead, I say, “Thank you very much. Now I must sit down and observe my anger.” Yet, is it possible? As soon as I close my eyes and try to observe anger, the object of the anger immediately comes into my mind—the person or incident which initiated the anger. Then I'm not observing the anger itself; I'm merely observing the external stimulus of that emotion. This will only serve to multiply the anger, and is therefore no solution. It is very difficult to observe any abstract negativity, abstract emotion, divorced from the external object which originally caused it to arise.
However, someone who reached the ultimate truth found a real solution. He discovered that whenever any impurity arises in the mind, physically two things start happening simultaneously. One is that the breath loses its normal rhythm. We start breathing harder whenever negativity comes into the mind. This is easy to observe. At a subtler level, a biochemical reaction starts in the body, resulting in some sensation. Every impurity will generate some sensation or the other within the body.
This presents a practical solution. An ordinary person cannot observe abstract defilements of the mind—abstract fear, anger or passion. But with proper training and practice it is very easy to observe respiration and body sensations, both of which are directly related to mental defilements.
Respiration and sensations will help in two ways. First, they will be like private secretaries. As soon as a negativity arises in the mind, the breath will lose its normality; it will start shouting, “Look, something has gone wrong!” And we cannot scold the breath; we have to accept the warning. Similarly, the sensations will tell us that something has gone wrong. Then, having been warned, we can start observing the respiration, start observing the sensations, and very quickly we find that the negativity passes away.
This mental-physical phenomenon is like a coin with two sides. On one side are the thoughts and emotions arising in the mind, on the other side are the respiration and sensations in the body. Any thoughts or emotions, any mental impurities that arise manifest themselves in the breath and the sensations of that moment. Thus, by observing the respiration or the sensations, we are in fact observing mental impurities. Instead of running away from the problem, we are facing reality as it is. As a result, we discover that these impurities lose their strength; they no longer overpower us as they did in the past. If we persist, they eventually disappear altogether and we begin to live a peaceful and happy life, a life increasingly free of negativities.
In this way the technique of self-observation shows us reality in its two aspects, inner and outer. Previously we only looked outward, missing the inner truth. We always looked outside for the cause of our unhappiness; we always blamed and tried to change the reality outside. Being ignorant of the inner reality, we never understood that the cause of suffering lies within, in our own blind reactions toward pleasant and unpleasant sensations.
Now, with training, we can see the other side of the coin. We can be aware of our breathing and also of what is happening inside. Whatever it is, breath or sensation, we learn just to observe it without losing our mental balance. We stop reacting and multiplying our misery. Instead, we allow the defilements to manifest and pass away.
The more one practices this technique, the more quickly negativities will dissolve. Gradually the mind becomes free of defilements, becomes pure. A pure mind is always full of love—selfless love for all others, full of compassion for the failings and sufferings of others, full of joy at their success and happiness, full of equanimity in the face of any situation.
When one reaches this stage, the entire pattern of one's life changes. It is no longer possible to do anything vocally or physically which will disturb the peace and happiness of others. Instead, a balanced mind not only becomes peaceful, but the surrounding atmosphere also becomes permeated with peace and harmony, and this will start affecting others, helping others too.
By learning to remain balanced in the face of everything experienced inside, one develops detachment towards all that one encounters in external situations as well. However, this detachment is not escapism or indifference to the problems of the world. Those who regularly practice Vipassana become more sensitive to the sufferings of others, and do their utmost to relieve suffering in whatever way they can—not with any agitation, but with a mind full of love, compassion and equanimity. They learn holy indifference—how to be fully committed, fully involved in helping others, while at the same time maintaining balance of mind. In this way they remain peaceful and happy, while working for the peace and happiness of others.
This is what the Buddha taught: an art of living. He never established or taught any religion, any “ism”. He never instructed those who came to him to practice any rites or rituals, any empty formalities. Instead, he taught them just to observe nature as it is, by observing the reality inside. Out of ignorance we keep reacting in ways which harm ourselves and others. But when wisdom arises—the wisdom of observing reality as it is—this habit of reacting falls away. When we cease to react blindly, then we are capable of real action—action proceeding from a balanced mind, a mind which sees and understands the truth. Such action can only be positive, creative, helpful to ourselves and to others.
What is necessary, then, is to “know thyself”—advice which every wise person has given. We must know ourselves, not just intellectually in the realm of ideas and theories, and not just emotionally or devotionally, simply accepting blindly what we have heard or read. Such knowledge is not enough. Rather, we must know reality experientially. We must experience directly the reality of this mental-physical phenomenon. This alone is what will help us be free of our suffering.
This direct experience of our own inner reality, this technique of self-observation, is what is called Vipassana meditation. In the language of India in the time of the Buddha, passana meant seeing in the ordinary way, with one's eyes open; but vipassana is observing things as they actually are, not just as they appear to be. Apparent truth has to be penetrated, until we reach the ultimate truth of the entire psycho-physical structure. When we experience this truth, then we learn to stop reacting blindly, to stop creating negativities—and naturally the old ones are gradually eradicated. We become liberated from misery and experience true happiness.
There are three steps to the training given in a meditation course. First, one must abstain from any action, physical or vocal, which disturbs the peace and harmony of others. One cannot work to liberate oneself from impurities of the mind while at the same time continuing to perform deeds of body and speech which only multiply them. Therefore, a code of morality is the essential first step of the practice. One undertakes not to kill, not to steal, not to commit sexual misconduct, not to tell lies, and not to use intoxicants. By abstaining from such actions, one allows the mind to quiet down sufficiently in order to proceed further.
The next step is to develop some mastery over this wild mind by training it to remain fixed on a single object, the breath. One tries to keep one's attention on the respiration for as long as possible. This is not a breathing exercise; one does not regulate the breath. Instead, one observes natural respiration as it is, as it comes in, as it goes out. In this way one further calms the mind so that it is no longer overpowered by intense negativities. At the same time, one is concentrating the mind, making it sharp and penetrating, capable of the work of insight.
These first two steps, living a moral life, and controlling the mind, are very necessary and beneficial in themselves, but they will lead to suppression of negativities unless one takes the third step: purifying the mind of defilements by developing insight into one's own nature. This is Vipassana: experiencing one's own reality by the systematic and dispassionate observation within oneself of the ever-changing mind-matter phenomenon manifesting itself as sensations. This is the culmination of the teaching of the Buddha: self-purification by self-observation.
It can be practiced by one and all. Everyone faces the problem of suffering. It is a universal malady which requires a universal remedy, not a sectarian one. When one suffers from anger, it's not Buddhist anger, Hindu anger, or Christian anger. Anger is anger. When one becomes agitated as a result of this anger, this agitation is not Christian, or Jewish, or Muslim. The malady is universal. The remedy must also be universal.
Vipassana is such a remedy. No one will object to a code of living which respects the peace and harmony of others. No one will object to developing control over the mind. No one will object to developing insight into one's own nature, by which it is possible to free the mind of negativities. Vipassana is a universal path.
Observing reality as it is by observing the truth inside—this is knowing oneself directly and experientially. As one practices, one keeps freeing oneself from the misery of mental impurities. From the gross, external, apparent truth, one penetrates to the ultimate truth of mind and matter. Then one transcends that, and experiences a truth which is beyond mind and matter, beyond time and space, beyond the conditioned field of relativity: the truth of total liberation from all defilements, all impurities, all suffering. Whatever name one gives this ultimate truth is irrelevant; it is the final goal of everyone.
May you all experience this ultimate truth. May all people be free from misery. May they enjoy real peace, real harmony, real happiness.
The above text is based upon a talk given by Mr. S.N. Goenka in Berne, Switzerland.

ponedjeljak, 4. kolovoza 2008.


Kakav je značaj nepostojanja sopstva u našem svakodnevnom životu? Značaj je u tome da upravo ono sopstvo koje njegujete sa toliko ljubavi, taj ego koji voli da se širi i mrzi da se povlači, uviđate kao privid i krajnji uzrok vaše patnje. Sve što učinite u ime tog samoobmanjivanja predstavlja puko rasipanje energije. Kada jednom razumijete tu činjenicu nepostojanja sopstva, kada jednom naučite da je budete neprestano svjesni i u skladu sa tim disciplinirate svoje ponašanje, time će se nužno izmijeniti vaš način života i omogućiti vam da se nosite sa poniženjima, zanemarivanjima i uskraćivanjima sa kojima se s vremena na vrijeme suočavate.
Činjenica je da u vašem svakodnevnom poslu, u porodičnom životu i u kontaktima sa drugim ljudima ta iluzija o sopstvu izaziva različitu štetu i otuda upravo u toj svakodnevici morate načiniti prve korekcije.
Te korekcije trebalo bi da idu u dva pravca: prvo, morate razvijati sve veću svijest o načinima na koje se ego ispoljava; drugo, morate se vježbati u samodisciplini kako bi ta ispoljavanja sve više reducirali. Sabranost pažnje na vlastitu nametljivost i odgovarajuća samodisciplina treba da budu usmjereni na misli, govor i postupke. A među ovo troje misli su te koje prvo treba disciplinirati.
Glavni princip budističke psihologije je nastojanje da se stvari vide onakvima kakve zaista jesu, insistiranje na jasnom uvidu nasuprot samoobmanjivanju i prividu. Tehniku koja se koristi za postizanje tog jasnog uvida znamo kao ispravnu sabranost i jedan aspekat ispravne sabranosti naziva se detaljnom svjesnošću mentalnog stanja.
Detaljna svjesnost mentalnog stanja namijenjena je većem samorazumijevanju, naročito u pogledu emocionalnog kvaliteta različitih mentalnih stanja. Ovo ne podrazumijeva teorijsko znanje onoga što se generalno odigrava u čovjekovom umu, premda je takvo teorijsko znanje ponekad vrlo korisno; riječ je o detaljnoj i direktnoj svijesti o tome šta se događa u vlastitom umu.
To je izoštrena svijesnost emocionalnog kvaliteta svakog pojedinačnog mentalnog stanja od trenutka kad se javi i sve dok traje, a u izvjesnoj mjeri i retrospektivno. To je oblik samoposmatranja kako bi se prekinula samoobmana i tok svjesti oslobodio privida. Tehnika se sastoji u formiranju nove navike, navike gole pažnje.
Ne postoji brzi put, niti prečica k formiranju navike gole pažnje, ali postoji jedan pouzdan vodič na terenu kompleksa inferiornosti. On je sljedeći: svaki put kada se osjetite važnim ili superiornim treba da pokušate da shvatite kako to vašim umom tog trenutka dominira jedan primitivan instinkt. A kada je vaš intelekt u stanju da dominira vašim primitivnim instinktima bit ćete na dobrom putu, ne k boljem osjećaju superiornosti, već k istinskoj superiornosti.
Kako učite da primijenite detaljnu svjesnost svoga mentalnog stanja tako ćete uviđati ulogu koju instinkt samopotvrđivanja igra u vašem životu. Vidjet ćete da dok je vaša urođena sklonost da se potvrđujete nekada davno imala evolutivni značaj u borbi za opstanak, u okviru moderne civilizacije ta sklonost ponekad može nanijeti više štete nego koristi.
Mnoge od vaših aktivnosti prema velikom, vanjskom svijetu jesu pokušaji -- svjesni i nesvjesni -- da svoje okruženje prilagodite vlastitim željama; ali ljudi u tom velikom svijetu imaju vlastitu želju za potvrđivanjem, istu kakva je i vaša, a kada se one zbroje daleko su moćnije od vaše osobne. Posljedica ovoga je konflikt i veoma često poraz. Tako dobijamo još jedan element koji biva dodat vašem kompleksu inferiornosti; još jedan trag u skladištu sjećanja, koji budući tako bolan mora biti potisnut na nivo na kojem svijest ne može da ga dosegne. A posljedica ovoga je da ili postajete uplašeniji i povučeniji ili zauzimate još agresivniji stav. Stil vašeg života se mijenja, naginjući često k jednom od ova dva ekstrema, osim ukoliko vrlo rano u životu niste naučili kako da se nosite sa čitavom ovom situacijom.
Bez sumnje da postoje prilike kada se vaše samodokazivanje skoncentrira na uspjeh ili poraz nekoga drugog. Možda je vaš mlađi sin postao najbolji učenik u školi ili je izgubio svoj prvi posao zbog svoje neefikasnosti, pa vi djelite sa njim njegov uspjeh ili neuspjeh; ali u takvim slučajevima vaš osjećaj superiornosti ili inferiornosti nastaje zato što se radi o nečemu što pripada vama i zapravo je produžetak vašeg ega. Vaše sopstvo se osjeća superiornim i uživa u tome, isto kao što se vaše sopstvo oseća inferiornim i traga za nekim od načina da povrati osjećaj superiornosti.
A upravo je osjećaj važnosti taj kojeg se treba osloboditi ako hoćete da se na pravi način uhvatite ukoštac sa kompleksom inferiornosti i zato morate shvatiti da ako hoćete da se oslobodite osjećaja inferiornosti morate se osloboditi i osećaja superiornosti.
Tako uviđamo da je davno budističko učenje o nepostojanju sopstva zapravo vrlo aktuelno; jer ruku pod ruku sa tim duboko ukorijenjenim vjerovanjem u važnost svoga sopstva ide podjednako duboko ukorijenjeno ispoljavanje superiornosti. Kao što je navedeno, ukoliko želite da razumijete budizam važno je razumijeti učenje o nepostojanju sopstva. Na drugoj strani, da li vjerujete u to učenje, samo zato što je dio učenja kao cjeline, mnogo je manje važno. Uopće nije potrebno da vjerujete u bilo što prije nego što ga detaljno razmotrite. Bitno je jedino da shvatite kako je nemoguće da postignete bilo kakvu trajnu sreću idući putem samopotvrđivanja.
Na samom kraju, nužno je razumijeti i prihvatiti činjenicu da prekomjerno samopotvrđivanje izaziva sukobe sa drugima i sukobe unutar vlastitog uma. Na osnovi toga, vaše vježbanje u tom pravcu predstavlja napor da sve svoje postupke oslobodite -- što je moguće više -- od primjesa samopotvrđivanja.
Počinjete samopromatranjem, jer samopromatranje je ključ vježbanja. Počinjete kritičkim promatranjem svojih reakcija na događaje i situacije, nastojeći da uočite kada i kako sebe namećete; to samopromatranje mora postati navika i biti neprekidno. Morate naučiti da snop svjetlosti pažnje uperite na svaki svoj postupak i reakciju.
Ova povećana sabranost, ova k unutra usmjerena pažljivost, pomaže vam da otkrijete vlastite mentalne mehanizme, kao što su racionalizacija i potiskivanje, na primer, a koji su motivirani vašom neodlučnošću da se suočavate sa stvarima u vlastitom umu.
Tako, kako zadobijate sve veće samorazumijevanje, počet ćete da sagledavate svoju sklonost k nametljivosti onakvom kakva zaista je. Uočit ćete kako sebe gurate naprijed u okolnostima koje vam daju priliku za doživljavanje osjećaja osobne važnosti, a da se u isto vrijeme povlačite od neke obaveze kada ona znači izazivanje osjećaja inferiornosti.
Kako se rad na samopromatranju nastavlja, možda će vam biti od pomoći da sebe podvrgnete izvjesnom discipliniranju; takvo discipliniranje može uzeti tri pravca.
Prvo, na nivou misli. Može vas, na primjer, uvrijediti nešto što vam je rečeno ili ako ste isključeni iz razgovora ili to što drugi nisu uočili vaše kvalitete. I potom ćete možda biti skloni da se prepustite mračnim mislima o onome što vas je povrijedilo ili da razmišljate o tom događaju. Time samo uvećavate njegov značaj, uvećavate vlastiti osjećaj inferiornosti i svoju želju da ga zamijenite osjećajem superiornosti.
Drugo, na nivou govora. Možda ste dobar govornik, ali slab slušač, tako da neprekidno prekidate druge ljude kako biste došli do riječi. Vaš govor može biti prepun osobnih citata i aluzija: kada se, na primer, povede riječ o vrtu, vi odmah počnete da hvalite svoj vrt; ili ako neko spomene kako je imao lumbago, vi se upinjete da dokažete kako je vaš lumbago bio daleko bolniji i ozbiljniji. Na taj način napuhavate svoj ego toplim zrakom poput letećeg balona.
I treće, na nivou postupaka. Možda sebe uhvatite kako se gurate u prvi red, jer volite da ste u prvom planu ili se držite otraga jer se plašite da ste u centru pažnje; oba ova ekstrema posljedica su precjenjivanja vlastitog ega.
Bilo da se vaša nametljivost ispoljava kroz misli, riječi ili postupke, ona je potencijalni izvor nesreće na ovaj ili onaj način. Ona vas čini ranjivim. Ukoliko neprekidno radite na povećanju sabranosti u odnosu na sve oblike koje vaša nametljivost može poprimiti, uz stalan napor da je kontrolirate u trenutku kada se i kakva se pojavi, dostići ćete stanje smirenosti i balansa uma u kojem za osjećaje superiornosti i inferiornosti više nema mjesta.
A kada oni nestanu, zajedno sa njima nestaju i unutrašnji i vanjski konflikti.
Suština ove vježbe je sabranost u obliku samoposmatranja. Ukoliko možete da motrite na svoje egoističke sklonosti u trenutku kad se pojave i sve dok traju, to je jako dobro, ali ako vam to i ne pođe za rukom, možete ih naknadno prepoznati. Glavna stvar je da ih postanete svjesni na ovaj ili onaj način, a ne da tražite opravdanje i izgovore za sebe.
Iako je ovo prvenstveno vježba iz sabranosti pažnje, element samodiscipline je također vrlo važan. Možete obećati samome sebi da ćete promatrati svoju nametljivost tokom dana.

nedjelja, 3. kolovoza 2008.

Soul Psychology

The words of Sai Baba, "God equals man minus ego, " are echoed by Dr. Joshua David Stone in his seminal work, "Soul Psychology." A veteran psychologist, metaphysician, and spiritual teacher, Dr. Stone teaches us how our entire understanding of psychology is completely changed when soul work is properly integrated into the therapeutic process. At the heart of soul psychology is the dismantling of the "negative ego." What is the negative ego? It is a psychological cancer that affects millions, one of the most challenging obstacles to achieving spiritual maturity. Only by learning to think with the Christ/Buddha mind can we recognize and clear the negative ego patterns of fear, selfishness, and separation that keep us locked in the prison of the fear-based mind. "Soul Psychology" presents a stimulating new viewpoint that challenges old spiritual perspectives and expands the boundaries of traditional psychotherapy. Based on Dr. Stone's eighteen years of practice, it is an accessible and compassionate work fille.

The negative ego and integrating the ego.
First of all let me explain to you what I see is the ego.The ego is a part of you that assists you in making decisions. It is part of your energy, just like your emotional body, your spiritual body and all the other bodies. All these bodies have a different frequency, and so does your ego.Now when we start integrating more and more of the spiritual bodies into the physical body, we start operating more and more from the Heart, the Higher Self and the Soul. At this point we are not really using the ego as much but the energy of the ego is still there and can sometimes interfere with our progress.This is where the part of integrating the ego starts.I have always taught to work with the ego as negative and now I would like to take it a step further.Integration of the ego.This is something that I did not know during my life on earth.Yes, I had many experiences but a lot of that was through my mind. Which is logical because I did have to write all my books and needed to be clear and precise.But as any teacher I am also a student and there is always something to learn even now.This time it is about integrating the ego. I never realized this part consciously during my life. Right now I am sort of going through my life to see what I did, learned, experienced and wrote down.This allows me to see if there was a difference in what was actually happening and what I was experiencing and learning. That is the big advantage of being here at this time. I am more conscious of it all than I ever was or could have been on earth.Now I can tell you to start integrating the ego instead of focusing on it as a negative part of you.The ego is a part of you, part of your energy.Your energy has to be a complete energy operating from a completely integrated ego to be able to work from the Higher Self and the Soul.All your energies, physical and spiritual have to become one unit.Integrating the ego is therefore a very important part in your ascension process.

Joshua David StoneThrough Petra MargolisJune 6, 2008

subota, 2. kolovoza 2008.


Ne zanima me kako zarađuješ za život.

Želim znati za čime čezneš i usuđuješ li se sanjati

o ispunjenju želje svoga srca.

Ne zanima me koliko ti je godina.

Želim znati jesi li spreman/spremna napraviti budalu

od sebe zbog ljubavi, zbog snova, zbog pustolovine

koja se zove Život.

Ne zanima me koji planeti su u opreci s tvojim Mjesecom.

Želim znati jesi li dotaknuo/dotaknula središte svoje tuge,

jesu li te životne izdaje otvorile ili si se skvrčio/skvrčila,

zatvorio/zatvorila zbog svog straha od nove boli!

Želim znati možeš li sjediti s boli, mojom ili vlastitom,

ne pomaknuvši se da je zastreš ili umanjiš ili izliječiš.

Želim znati možeš li boraviti uz radost, moju ili svoju vlastitu;

možeš li se predati divljem plesu i dopustiti da te zanos prožme

sve do vršaka prstiju,

ne opominjujući nas da budemo oprezni, da budemo realni,

da ne zaboravimo svoja ljudska ograničenja.

Ne zanima me je li priča koju mi pričaš istinita.

Želim znati jesi li u stanju razočarati drugoga kako bi ostao/

ostala vjeran/vjerna sebi; možeš li podnijeti optužbe o izdaji

i ne izdati vlastitu dušu.

Želim znati možeš li biti vjeran/vjerna i stoga dostojan/dostojna


Želim znati možeš li vidjeti Ljepotu čak i ako je nema svakog dana,

i možeš li napajati svoj život Božjom prisutnošću.

Želim znati umiješ li živjeti s porazom, svojim i mojim , pa ipak

stati na obalu jezera i doviknuti srebrnom Mjesecu: "Da!"

Ne zanima me gdje živiš i koliko novaca imaš.

Želim znati možeš li nakon noći provedene u boli i očajanju ustati,

izmučen/izmučena , s umorom u kostima, i obaviti sve ono što je

potrebno za djecu.

Ne zanima me tko si, ni kako si došao/došla ovamo.

Želim znati hočeš li stati sa mnom u središte vatre i ne ustuknuti.

Ne zanima me gdje, ni što, ni s kim si učio/učila.

Želim znati što te podupire iznutra, kad svega ostalog nestane.

Želim znati možeš li biti sam/sama sa sobom i voliš li uistinu

svoje društvo u pustim trenucima.

nadahnuto Sanjačem s planine Oriah,

indijanski poglavica, svibnja 1994.

iz knjige SQ-Duhovna Inteligencija - D.Zohar i I.Marshall